Provide GWO training with Virtual Reality
Imagine if you could conduct training...
On customer sites using virtual reality in a mix of digital tools that would allow your clients to participate in instructor-led training from their local worksite.
Without physical facilities using a DNV-approved virtual simulator to conduct GWO training and forget all about the costs of building and running a physical simulator
All over the world using off-the-shelves hardware locally available, potentially scaling your business without any geographical boundaries
Go completely digital in training
By using the digital simulator to replace the practical part of your training program, you can eliminate the need for your trainees to join your training facilities physically.
✔️ Simulator training becomes Virtual Reality
✔️ Classroom training is replaced by online meetings
✔️ Tests and quizzes can be done from a laptop
... and VOILA - you can now conduct training sessions fully remotely.
But what about certification?
In order to be approved to provide GWO training using virtual reality, there are a few steps that need to be taken:
✔️ You need to be an accredited GWO training provider
✔️ You need to be audited by a classification society
✔️ You need to complete Kanda's Train the Trainer Program
If you are unsure about your qualifications to become a Virtual GWO Training Provider, reach out to us and we will help you find your way to start delivering world-class training.